Keep or Regain 
at Any Stage of Life

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Learn How to Feed and Nourish Your Bones
so they can Support You
All Your Life Long



In my forties, my health came crashing so far down to that I was actually bedridden. 

Even though I became an R.N. when I was 21, I didn't know the symptoms I was having prior to that complete collapse were signals. They were telling me my bones were slowly and quietly failing!   Had known then what I know now, could have completely prevented this disaster.

Happily, I was able to find out how to return my bones to their strong, resilient state,. I was able to go from my low point - having collapsed in an airport waiting for a flight and unable to get up off the floor - to returning to a full and active life.

I'm 77 now, and since then I've assisted others to recover their bones too.

Now I've gathered what I learned into this book so you, or anyone, can learn how regain strong, resilient bones and live a vibrant, active life.

Your body is smart. It's giving you signals all the time about what it needs so it can provide you with what you need to have strong, resilient bones.

In the pages of  Perfect Bones  you will discover what effective actions you need to take to do the same.

I encourage you to learn how to take care of your bones.

That way, your bones can take care of you!

-Pamela Levin, R.N.