Keep or Regain 
at Any Stage of Life

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Learn How to Feed and Nourish Your Bones
so they can Support You
All Your Life Long



How to get Your Copy of

Perfect Bones

Currently there are two editions of Perfect Bones.
The content is the same in both.

        The first edition. published by The Nourishing Company, looks like this:

PBones Nourishing Company Cover

            The second edition, published by Celestial Arts (Ten Speed Press),
                                                      looks like this:

PBones Celestial Arts cover


Both versions are sold out at both these publishers, but don't despair!  You can usually find used copies at used book stores; just look for either one of these covers.

Also, the book is currently being revised for republication. 
If you'd like to be notified when the new version is available,
let us know where we can send a message to you: 

Yes, please let me know when the new edition of Perfect Bones becomes available.
Enter your name and the email you'd like us to use, and we'll let you know. And don't worry, we don't share your information in any way.