Keep or Regain 
at Any Stage of Life

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Learn How to Feed and Nourish Your Bones
so they can Support You
All Your Life Long



Everybody wants perfect bones, yet fewer of us have them, especially as we age. Estimates say
that in the next few years, 45
 million of us will be at risk for developing osteoporosis, a number expected to triple over the next 60 years (to 135 million), and that more of us will die from osteoporosis-related problems than from the top two killers (heart disease and breast cancer) put together!

But it's not only adults - even the next generation is affected. Experts are currently 
lobbying the World Health Organization to have osteoporosis declared a pediatric onset disease! 
Is there anything to be done? Is good bone health simply luck, or fate, or some secret known only to a select few? Must we simply resign ourselves to this awful, debilitating, and ultimately death- producing state? 
The premise of this book is that indeed, there is much we can do, that the power to have healthy bones is in our own hands, and that the choices we make on a daily basis are central to the outcome for our bones. How is this so? 
Osteoporosis has long been considered a disease, the inference being that it results from a body that simply malfunctions, as if such a breakdown were an event about which there is nothing to be done. But if we view osteoporosis as a solution to a bodily problem, a demonstration of the body's natural healing abiity, that hopelessness can change. 
Sick bones are the body's answer to how to maintain homeostatic balance in the face of increasingly difficult challenges. When our bodies rob our bones of their life-giving minerals, for example, they do so to provide these essential substances to areas such as our heart and circulatory system that are more important for sustaining life. This infers that the key to maintaining healthy bones is to provide what the body needs for homeostatic balance so it doesn't have to rob bones to sustain life. 
How can we know, then, that our bodies are out of balance and therefore robbing our bones? Finding out may seem a difficult task, for declining bone health has long been labeled the "silent disease." Yet, after completing only a little research, I uncovered 84 different clues that the body is robbing our bones to keep us alive! (See Chapter 1.) 
Perhaps we need to rename this "silent disease" the "deaf ear" disease, and conclude that we need to learn, or rather, relearn how to listen. The National Osteoporosis Foundation has put forth that the number one task before us to stem this tidal wave of sick-boned population is to prevent osteoporosis in the first place, and that the number one way to do this is through diet. Indeed, our nutritional states are the very bones of bone health. 
It has been my great pleasure to take up the mantle of nutritional journalist, and gather within these pages the essence of how to go about achieving and maintaining this health-conferring state of nutritional balance. The point is to provide the body with a better way to maintain homeostatic balance than creating porous bones. 

We have every reason to believe that the power is in our own hands to create osteoperfecta: Perfect Bones. 
Pamela Levin., R.N.
Teaching & Supervising
Transactional Analyst